Shuli Zalcman

Personal Life Coach (Jerusalem)

Specializes in relationships,
Certified by the College of Yozmut (Initiatives),
Bar Ilan University,
and recognized by the Israeli Life Coaches Association.

My Services

הפעילויות שלי כמאמנת אישית בירושלים (קואצ'רית) כוללות מפגשים אישיים, מפגשי זוגיות, סדנאות וייעוץ והכוונה לצעירים אחרי צבא

ייעוץ והכוונה לחיילים משוחררים | שולי זלצמן ביטון

Guidance and Counselling for Youth

ייעוץ והכוונה עם גורם מקצועי יכול לשנות את כל כיוון החיים לטובה. צעירים שמגיעים לגיל 21-25 הרבה פעמים מתלבטים לאיזה כיוון ללכת: מה לעשות עם

אימון אישי | שולי זלצמן ביטון | מאמנת אישית בירושלים

One-on-One Coaching

מה זה אימון אישי – מה תקבלו באימון אישי אצלי? בתהליך אימון אישי, אני נותנת למתאמן גלגלי עזר ולקראת סוף התהליך הוא יוצא לדרך חדשה

מפגשי יעוץ והכוונה | שולי זלצמן ביטון | מאמנת אישית בירושלים

Counseling and Guidance Sessions

מפגשי ייעוץ והכוונה הם מפגשים ממוקדים, המתאימים לכל מי שלא מעוניין לעבור תהליך ארוך אלא זקוק לתשובות מהירות כאן ועכשיו, ולכל מי שנמצא/ת בפרשת דרכים

מתי מומלץ ללכת לאימון זוגי? | שולי זלצמן ביטון | מאמנת אישית בירושלים

When is it advisable to seek couple’s counseling?

אימון זוגי, כמו אימון אישי, מבוסס על זיהוי החסמים והקשיים הזוגיים, הצבת מטרות ברורות, ובניית תוכנית מוגדרת להשגת המטרות המשותפות. מדובר בתהליך קצר טווח אשר

קבוצות תמיכה למערכות יחסים | שולי זלצמן ביטון | מאמנת אישית בירושלים

אימון אישי למערכות יחסים

למה החלטתי לפתוח את האפשרות לאימון אישי עבור אנשים הסובלים בתוך מערכת יחסים רעילה ופוגענית? מכיוון שהייתי שם בעצמי, לא מעט פעמים במהלך חיי, ובמיוחד

איך ניתן להתחיל להטמיע אורח חיים בריא? | שולי זלצמן ביטון

How to start living a healthy lifestyle?

איך ניתן להתחיל להטמיע אורח חיים בריא? אורח חיים בריא זה נושא שמאוד קרוב לליבי. אני מרגישה שליחות גדולה לעזור לאחרים לשמר ולשפר את הבריאות


I am happy to share my original articles with you, in order to enrich your knowledge and help as much as possible in a wide variety of topics including: self-confidence, healthy lifestyle, mental and physical health, time management, magnetizing abundance and more

Relationships Within the Family

Familial relationships are exceptionally complicated: the relationship that exists between couples, between parents and their children, between siblings, and of course between extended family.

ייעוץ והכוונה לחיילים משוחררים | שולי זלצמן ביטון

Guidance and Counselling for Youth

Guidance and counseling with a professional can positively change one’s life path. Many young adults between the ages of 21-25 are unsure about which direction to go in:

אמא שתלטנית מה עושים? | שולי זלצמן ביטון | מאמנת אישית בירושלים

How to Deal With Domineering Mothers?

Shani, a 40-year-old woman, came to me to seek advice in regards to her mother. She complained that her mother still controls her after all these years even though she is already a mother herself.

אימון לזוגיות טובה ובריאה | שולי זלצמן ביטון | מאמנת אישית בירושלים

Coaching for Healthy Relationships

It turns out that a good relationship requires a lot of work. Many men and women find themselves unhappy, and with zero desire to live with the exhaustion brought about by endless arguments.

מחשבות בליבי

שיתוף ברעיונות, פילוסופיות על החיים והמון מחשבות בליבי, מוזמן ומוזמנת להגיב ולספר לי מה דעתך, איזו מחשבה או רגש התעוררו בך כשקראת את הכתבה שלי ואם אתם מכירים משהו או משהי שיכולים לעשות עם הרעיונות שלי/התובנות שלי משהו ולהשפיע לטובה, אשמח שתשתפו להם.ן

להפסיק לעשן-לבחור בעצמך | שולי זלצמן מאמנת אישית בירושלים (קואצ'רית)

להפסיק לעשן-לבחור בעצמך

בחיים לא עישנתי סיגריה. זה פשוט דוחה אותי, הריח, העשן, השיניים הצהובות, השחור מתחת לציפורניים. אז למה נראה לכם שאני

שחרור חומרי ונפשי | שולי זלצמן מאמנת אישית בירושלים (קואצ'רית)

שחרור חומרי ונפשי

בזמן האחרון אני עוברת תהליכים מעניינים עם עצמי. הרוב זה תהליכי שחרור. לשחרר ממני דברים חומריים וגם נפשיים מיותרים. ברמה

עסקה עם השטן | שולי זלצמן מאמנת אישית בירושלים

עסקה עם השטן

עסקת החטופים עם החמאס. יש לי רגשות מאוד מעורבים לגבי עסקאות עם השטן. מצד אחד, ברור שצריך להחזיר את החטופים


N.Z. A 20-year-old girl who was clinically depressed in bed for about six months. Thanks to the conversations with me on the phone, she managed to recover: she got out of bed, went to a psychiatrist, got medication, went back to study at the university, and got a driver's license. The most surprising thing is that I never met her in person!
You met me when I was in the darkest place I knew, I was closed within myself and I was already despairing of my whole situation, I had already lost hope. I looked for a way to disappear and not deal with it, I looked for a way for the pain in my heart to stop and I found no solution. Somehow fate brought us together, by a miracle, and as kitsch as it may be - this point changed my path for the better. I was at the beginning of a failed psychological treatment. You didn't know me, and I didn't know you, but you were more caring and understanding than family members, friends and the psychologist. You started directing me, guiding me, you were there for me. I know it wasn't an easy process for me or you - to fight for someone who had already given up on wars, but you didn't give up, you sent messages, made sure I was doing the exercises, had conversations with me to calm me down. You were there for me when everyone else chose not to be.The person I am today compared to what I used to be is not the same, I am a different person with a 180 degree change. The tools you gave me, your patience and free love encouraged me even when I didn't want to (and your stubbornness too). I thank you from the bottom of my heart, really. I wouldn't have gotten through that period without you and without the support and backing you gave me. Thank you, thank you, thank you, N.Z.
Iris Shazo
Dear Shuli, There are not enough words to tell you what is on my heart. In life they taught me that there is one small word with a huge meaning and it is THANKS, so thank you for everything you taught me in our meetings. Thanks for your warm attitude, your care and concern. Thank you for letting me understand that everything that happens is completely normal. You allowed me to face my biggest fears in life and realize that it's not so bad if you don't intensify it. I got to know an amazing woman and I highly recommend you. Lots of luck because you definitely deserve it. With love and huge gratitude.
Two years ago I finished a period in my life of coaching for positive thinking and success at your clinic. A very significant process which I went through and experienced many moments. I came because I was in pain, and the longing for help outweighed the fears of the process, so I decided to dive into it, and there was a lot to do. It’s true that most of the weight of the process was on me. I had to talk about sensitive issues, apply the exercises I was given, and change the direction of my thinking.I came to you with poor self-confidence, a lack of taking action(passiveness) and not persisting in anything for more than a short while. In addition, I had a rather negative mindset about myself and about the world. You, with your great patience, perseverance and sensitivity managed to make me look at things differently and to become a person with continuous positive thinking. When I started the coaching process, it seemed to me a high and impossible mountain to climb. However, today I can say that the practices and tools you gave me work wonderfully. In the beginning, before I came to the first meeting, I was afraid of trusting anyone. Precisely this point that I was most afraid of, you made it very easy for me. After 10 minutes of conversation, I understood quite clearly that you are a professional that I can trust. Thank you for listening, for your giving and caring (even for things you "shouldn't" really have to care about). "Quiet people build hidden worlds, no one hears no one sees." I think this line in Yonatan Razel's poem sums up what you do in one sentence. So I wish you to continue to help people build and discover new worlds for themselves.
With great admiration, Ariel
Nadia Bacher Zvi
Dear Shuli, We went through an interesting process together. A process of training the mind and thoughts, clarifying goals, and implementing a practical plan to move forward.I want to thank you for your ability to understand, to recognize the small issues behind the big ones,your ability to combine many fields that demanded precision and demarcation.I came out of the coaching process with a clear understanding as to how, and now I need to advance step by step in order to implement our plan, which we built together. I highly recommend you.With great respect and gratitude.
Renana Oknin
Dear Shuli!!! There is no one better suited than you to help people. What you managed to do with me in one conversation many good and talented people did not succeed in many conversations giving lots of advice. You have a rare ability to accurately and with little information analyze the situation and the difficulty. You have a rare ability to pinpoint the deep seated problem, as I myself was not able to for 40 years. Apart from a huge desire to help others and feel the coachees, you have a special talent and a divine hand. I feel like you're exactly what I've been looking for all my life. When you specify the problem like this, find the solution, the road becomes clear. All of this happened in one phone call. Your profession really deserves you!
Gabi Mordechai
Dear Shuli: From getting to know you as a professional life coach, I would like to express my astonishment at your extraordinary ability to diagnose in a professional manner points of weakness, failures and obstacles that stand in the way of people, while providing an accurate, concrete and effective answer to many complicated problems. Helping to free people’s souls from obstacles, on the way to achieving success in their lives. You have an endless storehouse of tools for dealing with a wide variety of problems and an innate ability to focus on each problem and offer relevant solutions in an infinitely talented and efficient manner. I would like to express my awe of your many skills and professionalism in your coaching work. I highly recommend you to anyone who needs a guiding hand, who wants to open a new page for the future, or to make a career change, to contact you. It will definitely be in their favor. I have a lot of respect for you.
אורנה כוגן
Shuli is a precious and kind person who made me believe in myself and open my heart to her. And even if at the end of the coaching process I felt like I hadn’t made changes and the problems seemed to remain where they were, that's not the case. The process just started then.Today when I look back, I have come to many insights and have had many successes since then. My main insight was not to wear myself down and not to change completely. But to map my problems and my weaker qualities and work on them. I thank Shuli for her help and I am extremely grateful that I went to life coaching. My life today looks the way I want it to look. Mostly, I learned not to fight myself internally,not to wear myself down in order to try to fit in with others and to meet their expectations. My life comes first. I only live once so I should make the best of it.


You are welcome to contact me without any hesitation regarding any question or problem you may have. I give consultation meetings by phone, WhatsApp, Zoom,via email, face-to-face, or in any way convenient for you. Just please do me a favor,get help from a professional and don't remain alone with your problem

Shuli Zalcman

Personal Life Coach (Jerusalem)

Specializes in relationships, Certified by the College of Yozmut (Initiatives), Bar Ilan University, and recognized by the Israeli Life Coaches Association.

ניוזלטר שולי זלצמן ביטון | מאמנת אישית בירושלים

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